
There are unlimited resources to help on your journey to creating a life you love, and becoming the best version of yourself possible. You deserve to be happy, healthy, and get the most out of life! The resources I listed below have had an immense impact on my life, and shaping me into the person I am today. I have used them pretty much every day for the past 7 years, and they have taught me how to live through love rather than fear, and to see the positive in even the worst situations. They got me through some of the most challenging times in my life, and gave me hope and strength to persevere when I couldn’t see the light. I truly cannot imagine who I would be without these amazing teachers. I believe that by understanding these teachings and implementing them in your life, you can achieve absolutely anything and live a happy, healthy, fulfilling life! The meditation, affirmation and workout videos are all free and easily accessible anytime and anywhere. I do them often at home, but also at friends houses, hotel rooms, and anywhere else you can imagine. They may not all resonate with you, but I recommend exploring all options to find the ones you like best.

Self Help & Spirituality


Movies & documentaries




Workout videos
